2014年5月28日 星期三

Python, How to install library for portable python by using distribute on windows

For example:

1. Download distrubute
2. Unzip distribute, ex: "distribute-0.7.3"
3. Move "distribute-0.7.3" to "D:\PortablePython" (That is my portable python location).
4. Open command line
5. Enter following command without quotes:
    - "d:"
    - "cd "PortablePython"
    -  "Python-Portable.exe distribute-0.7.3\setup.py install"

If you want install package "pygal", just enter following command without quotes:
- "cd D:\PortablePython\App\Scripts"
- "easy_install-2.7.exe pygal"

Updated, another way:

Using "pip":