2012年8月9日 星期四

FTP distributed stress test with JMeter


Before we dive into the step-by-step instructions, it's a good idea to define the terms and make sure the definition is clear.
Master – the system running Jmeter GUI, which controls the test
Slave – the system running jmeter-server, which takes commands from the GUI and send requests to the target system(s)
Target – the webserver we plan to stress test

Target IP address:
Master IP address:
Slave 1&2 IP address:,

Master Configuration:
Go to jmeter/bin directory,open jmeter.properties in a text editor. Find "remote_hosts=" and add slave's IP address, for example: 

Slave Configuration:
On the slave systems, go to jmeter/bin directory and execute jmeter-server.bat

Create Test Plan (on Master)
  • Go to jmeter/bin directory and run jmeter.bat to start jmeter GUI.
  • Add therad group.

  • Set thread properties.
  • Add ftp request.

  • Set ftp properties. For example , download file from Target. 
#Don't use root path as download destination, like "c:/123.exe". You should specific a folder as download destination, like "c:/test/123.exe"
# Username & Password must be filed, even ftp support anonymous login.

  • Add Listener : View Results in Table & Summary Report.

Run Test (on Master)

2012年8月2日 星期四


It is essentially a Winsock-based port of the ttcp tool that measures networking performance in terms of bytes transferred per second and CPU cycles per byte.
NTttcp can be configured in a variety of ways, including:

  • Software affinity for threads can be set to a specified processor index.
  • Asynchronous or synchronous data transfers.
  • Data verification at the application level for a pre-determined pattern in the application buffers.
  • Send and receive traffic from multiple IP addresses with single command.
  • Support IPv6 performance testing.
  • Support UDP performance testing.
  • Support time-driven testing.

NTttcp [-s|-r] -m mapping
-s work as a sender
-r work as a receiver
-m mappping, Sessions,Processor,target ip address
-t runtime in seconds
NTttcp -s -m 4,0, -t 60
Sends 4 sessions on CPU 0 to host with ip address of for 60 seconds.

Setup one system for receive and one system for send. Run the receive system first.
System A has an ip address of and setup for Receive.
System B has an ip address of and setup for Send.
Run NTttcp on System A:
NTttcp -R -m 4,0, -t 60
Note: the ip address is the expected sender’s ip.
Run NTttcp on System A:
NTttcp -R -m 4,0, -t 60
Note: the ip address is the receiver’s ip.
Monitor it with Windows Task Manager, Networking tab.
More options:
NTttcp: [-s|-r|-l|-n|-p|-a|-x|-rb|-sb|-i|-f|-u|-w|-d|-t|-cd|-wu|-nic] -m <mapping> [mapping]
-s work as a sender
-r work as a receiver
-l <Length of buffer> [default TCP: 64K, UDP: 128]
-n <Number of buffers> [default: 20K]
-p <port base> [default: 5001]
-sp synchronize data ports, if used -p should be same on every instance
-a <outstanding I/O>  [default: 2]
-x <PacketArray size> [default: 1]
-rb <Receive buffer size> [default: 64K]
-sb <Send buffer size>[default: 8K]
-u UDP send/recv
-w WSARecv/WSASend
-d Verify Flag
-t <Runtime> in seconds.
-cd <Cool-down> in seconds
-wu <Warm-up> in seconds
-nic <NIC IP> Use NIC with for sending data (sender only).
-m <mapping> [mapping]
where a mapping is a session(s),processor,StartReceiver IP set
e.g. -m 4,0, sets up:
4 sessions on processor 0 to test a network on

How to Use NTttcp
·         To use NTttcp as a receiver, change the name to NTttcpr.exe.
·         To use NTttcp as a sender, change the name to NTttcps.exe.
If you use NTttcp without changing the name, it functions as a receiver by default.

By default, NTttcp uses synchronous data transfer. Data transfer is controlled by the -a option. If you do not set the ‑a option, then the data transfer is synchronous.

We recommend that you increase the number of posted overlapped buffers for the receiver to ensure that the application has enough posted buffers for incoming data
For example:
ntttcpr.exe -m 1,0, -a 16 -fr
ntttcps.exe -m 1,0, -a 2

Single-Threaded Operation
Sender Syntax for Single-Threaded Operation
The following command line: NTttcps -m 1,0, -a 2

Receiver Syntax for Single-Threaded Operation
The following command line: NTttcpr -m 1,0, -a 6 -fr

Multi-Threaded Operation
Sender Syntax for Multi-Threaded Operation
The following command line: NTttcps -m 2,0, 2,1, -a 2

Receiver Syntax for Multi-Threaded Operation
The following command line: NTttcpr -m 2,0, -a 6 -fr

NTttcp Best Practices
Tip: The following are good practices for the appropriate number of receive buffers:
  •  For 1‑gigabit links, use 6 receive outstanding buffers. 
  •  For 10‑gigabit links, use 16 receive outstanding buffers.
A single thread is usually sufficient to achieve line rate on a 1‑gigabit link, but multiple threads might be required to achieve line rate on a 10‑gigabit link.
To avoid tracking short receives, use the ‑fr (full receive) option on the receiver.


2012年8月1日 星期三

Disk Stress

# Purpose: The test should reach the bandwidth limit of the test device for the given test system configuration. 
6 scenarios on all of the found devices, each scenario is run for 15 minutes:
  1. Sequential read 
  2. Sequential write 
  3. Sequential verify (write followed by read and comparison) 
  4. Random read 
  5. Random write 
  6. Random verify
#Any write scenarios (including verify) are skipped for optical devices.

The size of the individual data transfers is is 32 KB.

The test tries to do raw writes, bypassing any file system that is mounted on the hard disk if it can. The test attempts raw writes if one of the following occurs:
  • The test can find a raw, unpartitioned disk. 
  • The test can find a raw, unformatted volume. 
  • The test can find a volume that it can dismount.
If none of the preceding situations are available, the test performs I/O through the file system.

If you are testing any drive that requires media or testing in system-mode on a computer that contains drives that require media, you must insert media into the drives. The media that is used must be formatted and contain data that occupies at least 50% of the media's capacity.


To ensure best device performance, you should delete any unnecessary files from the test device and should cleanly format or defragment the device before running the test.

#透過測Performance的方式達到Disk stress的目的?
Log File:DiskIO.wtl
Supported operating systems:
  • Windows 7 
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 
  • Windows Vista 
  • Windows Server 2003 
  • Windows XP 
Command Syntax
Command option
Run on all associated devices.
/b <blockSize>
Block size (integer) in bytes of IO transactions. MB & KB supported. ex: /b 32KB
/c <scenarios>
Scenarios to test. <scenarios> should be a list delimited with ','s or ';'s. Valid characters are: s: sequential scenario, x: random scenario, r: read access, w: write access, v: verify (writes followed by reads and data verification), ex: /c sv;xr;xw, ex: /c sv,xr,xw
/d <device>
Device identifiers of devices to test delimited with ','s or ';'s. If none are specified all disks are tested. Identifiers include: Instance path, PhysicalDriveX, and Drive letter. An identifier of "any" will cause the test to run on any device on the system. ex: /d "IDE\DISKMAXTOR_6L160M0__________________________BANC1G10\5&2A36C317&0&0.1.0" /d PhysicalDrive1;G:;"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2651&SUBSYS_01791028&REV_03\3&172E68DD&0&FA"
Force file mode. The test won't attempt to dismount volumes. This should not be used as an accurate measure of disk performance.
/i <iterations>
Iterations (integer) to run. Cannot be specified with /d. Default is 1 if /d is not specified.
/l <numBuckets>
Number of buckets to use for approximate latency measurements.
Enable testing of optical drives.
/q <queueDepth>
Depth of the IO queue (integer).
/s <size>
Size (integer) in bytes of one iteration. KB, MB, & GB supported. ex: /s 6GB
/t <time>
Time (integer) in seconds to execute. Cannot be specified with /i. You may also use TimeSpan formatting: dd.hh:mm:ss
Use verbose logging /x <file.xml> Name of XML File to use for reporting. If file.xml is undefined a unique name based on machine, date, and time will be used.
